Saturday, June 2, 2012

Kennesaw 100% Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

Photo by ThatSillyGirl
Kennesaw Orange Juice is 100% fresh squeezed, but does it really have that "fresh squeezed" taste?  What makes it different from other brands of orange juice? I purchased a 16oz bottle from Whole Foods.  There are two servings per bottle with 120 calories per serving. It has the taste that I would expect from fresh squeezed orange juice.  This juice has a high pulp content with no preservatives, no fillers and is not overly acidic.  Kennesaw uses oranges from their own groves which are hand sorted.  The juice is cold processed to ensure a fresh squeezed flavor. Other brands use a standard pasteurization which means a longer shelf life, but the juice looses the fresh squeezed flavor.  Kennesaw advises that there will always be a variation of flavor with the juices.  They use Florida oranges year round with some California oranges added at certain times of the year to maintain sweetness.  Be sure to check the expiration date on these because they expire quickly, 17 days from extraction to be exact.  A sign of fresh squeezed juice is the natural separation of juice and pulp.  Shake well and enjoy.    


  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?


  2. Where can I find it?
    My son loves it from a breakfast hotel and we do not know where to find it

    1. If you are in South Florida you can find it at Whole Foods and/or The Fresh Market. The actual plant is located in Pompano Beach, Florida. I have read that Bedner's Farm Fresh Market in Boynton Beach has it as well.
